
Here in this post, we are going to look into the glimpse of every information required to be known right before starting a website design. If you are a beginner looking to gain knowledge about website design then this post is for you where you can have a brief view on things related to website design. The following are the topics you going to see in this blog post.

  • Domain Name & Hosting Service
  • Logo Design
  • Types of Website
  • Designing a Website
  • Branding Solution

Logo Design

A logo is a visual representation, identity, graphic sign for your business. It is a recognition for the brand. Once after choosing the domain name, the next step is to design a brand logo which should directly or indirectly pinpoint the exact motive, product, service of the business. The most creative yet simple logo attains the most reach from the customers & such logos not only bring recognition but the logo itself becomes a branding factor for the business. So it is important to choose the right logo design that adopts the best to your business. There is a lot of steps to be followed before selecting as well as while designing a logo which will be posted in further blogs.

Types of Website

Websites can be categorized into various types based on functionality, design, content, etc.. We can see about each one in detail later. Now let put it in simple words from a designer perspective. If you ask a designer about types of website he/she would suggest only two types

  • Static Website
  • Dynamic Website

Static Website

A website developed using HTML code without any web programming, database design is a static website. It is simple, easy to create, suitable for small scale business. In simple words, a static website is HTML Pages developed with ease to display the same content to every user without any difference. The content, as well as the design, remains unchanged until any changes made manually with HTML code & the changes are not meant to be made often in a static website. For example most of the informational sites, service-oriented websites are designs as static websites since there is no need for an update in regular intervals.

Dynamic Website

After reading the introduction about static website above you could guess what a dynamic website is all about. A website designed in such a manner which can update content regularly, the interactions can take place without any difficulties, the template design is developed using various programming language based on client-side scripting and server-side scripting. Most of the websites we use in our day-to-day life come under the dynamic section. Any E-commerce sites we use is the best example for a dynamic website which changes the content, product, display layout for every user visit.

Designing a Website

It is a yet another broad topic which has to be covered in a separate post. Here we can see the overview of each step in designing a website. The following are the mandatory points to be taken into account for any kind of website design.

  • Selecting the Type of Website
  • Layout Design
  • HTML Conversion
  • CMS Conversion

Selecting the Type of Website

The first point to be considered for designing a website is whether the business requires a static website or dynamic website. Based on user requirement the type of website can be selected. A small scale business which is meant to be a service sector or client who is designing a website only for presenting the informational content which in turn doesn’t require a regular update in the site can go with static website design. The business which requires the contents, products, design updates regularly for the sites can opt to choose dynamic website design instead of static.

Layout Design

Once after selecting the website type, the next move is to design a layout to present the website. In simple the display structure of the website is a layout and it has to be designed in such a way that it attracts the user, helps him/her to navigate throughout the website in an easy way. The Layout must be designed entirely from a customer perspective which in turn will let the customer stay for a longer session inside the webpage. It is just about what a layout is and the ways for designing a professional layout will be posted in further blog posts.

HTML Conversion

Any contents, files irrespective of formats have to be converted into HTML code for posting on the internet. The HTML code is universally used for websites and every data has to be converted to HTML before posting in the website. Once the designing process is over the next step is to convert them to HTML code only then it can be posted on the internet.

CMS Conversion

CMS – Content Management System. When the site is meant to be static it is fine to stop with HTML conversion and host them on the internet. But when it comes to a dynamic website it is necessary to convert HTML to CMS conversion. The content that requires the dynamic changes needs CMS conversion and it is a set of program that manages the dynamic content in the website.