
Sales and conversion of products or services mark the ultimate goal of any business in the market. Trust is a high-quality effective word most needed in every aspect. E-commerce websites should have a proper architectural plan with effective digital ingredients of technical and general requirements to boost your sales and conversations. I want to share with you the effective 10X or 50X ROI generation tips through effective designing of e-commerce websites the factors includes the following

2. Attractive UI/UX in website Design

Colors add riches to the website and color psychology has to impact the customer, each color has its own uniqueness and every color has a psychological impact over our customers on the website. The E-commerce website, a trigger for purchase starts with the attractiveness and price of the product. Along with the offer given to the product. In E-commerce website design the representation of products will be images.The attractive design of the product builds the trust of the product on the customer. Which leads to high conversion.

3. Product Strategy

Product Listing is the supreme goal of the E-commerce website to keep the customer show the related products on the e-commerce website product proper inter-linking of another related product matching to the customer search term.

And suggesting related products to users will make users consider other products as an add on. The main Product strategy is:

  • Acquistion
  • Conversion
  • Repurchase

Every Business Acquisition of customers is an integral part. The quality of the service and product delivered to the customer will have a direct impact on the consideration and will increase acquisition. Conversion is a collective result of our e-commerce website, effective optimization of product and e-commerce website gives High return ROI and high conversion.

The repurchase is the profit of the acquisition of customers, offered. effective consideration of the product if factor associated with quality, and Trust.